
In August 2003, I had the opportunity to participate in a two-week secondment to Kenya, an exchange to learn about the work done with the cultural orientation of refugees overseas and an opportunity to share with the Kenyan staff about my own experiences as a case manager in Atlanta. 

The trip itself included time in both the modern city of Nairobi as well as a trip to the barren environment of the Kakuma refugee camp. It was an exciting and fulfilling experience to be in Africa at last after a lifetime of stories from missionary grandparents, six years of study of the anthropology of Africa, and daily work with Africans over the past four years.

Elsewhere you can download the official report of my trip and my work there.  Here I present personal impressions through photos and sections of my travel journal.  They include the fun and exciting aspects of the trip as well as a small glimpse of the harsh life lived by refugees in the camp at Kakuma. I hope you enjoy...

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